![First person point of view First person point of view](https://www.awaken2luciddreams.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/First-person-point-of-view.jpg)
When it comes to our perspective in standard regular dreams most people have mixed dreams, sometimes dreaming in first person and other times dreaming in third person. Dreams, not being subject to the laws of physics, can be abstract or even completely different from everyday reality in their nature. So it is not unusual to dream in first person sometimes and third person at other times.
Dreaming In First Person – first person dreams meaning
But what about lucid dreams? Are lucid dreams in first person?
Most lucid dreams are experienced in first person.
You experience the entire dreamworld from your own perspective as though you were looking out from your own eyes and experiencing things with your own body.
However, trained lucid dreamers can easily shift to a third person point of view if they so wish and this has some advantages.
We don’t always experience first person dreams
Not all dreams are experienced in first person. Although it is rarer than first person perspective in the dreamworld, third person dreams do occur regularly.
What about lucid dreams … are all lucid dreams in first person?
Just as not all standard dreams are in first person not all lucid dreams are in first person either.
Having said that, it is much more common to have third person non-lucid dreams than it is to have third person lucid dreams.
![First person dream scene](https://www.awaken2luciddreams.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/First-person-dream-scene.jpg)
First person lucid dreams, like first person dreams that are non-lucid, are the most common type.
Let’s see why this is the case.
The main cause of lucid dreaming, or at least the main catalyst for becoming lucid in a dream, is becoming aware that you are dreaming.
The act of becoming aware that you are experiencing a dream is enough to make you conscious within the dream and thus lead to dream lucidity.
This is why so many lucid dreaming techniques rely heavily on performing reality checks throughout the day.
By performing reality checks, where you ask yourself if you are dreaming and then look for unusual signs that would indicate you are not in the real world, you can train yourself to look for dream signs.
Dream signs and oddities within a dream will clearly show you that you are in a dream.
Obviously to become aware that we are dreaming we need to realize that something within the dreamworld, or something that is happening within the dream, is not normal or is somehow out of place.
For example, one of my earliest lucid dreams involved me becoming lucid while I talked to my dead Uncle.
Realizing that he was dead and that I could not be talking to him in the real world was enough for me to realize that I was dreaming.
What does this have to do with lucid dreaming in first person?
Well, it is much more likely that you will realize that you are in a dream when you notice strange, weird or out-of-place objects, events, people and scenarios if you are witnessing it from your own perspective, i.e. in first person.
If you are dreaming in third person you tend to be too detached from reality and your own point of view to notice that you are dreaming – things may be weird but you are not experiencing them as your normal self.
You are merely as an observer to what is happening so you are less likely to make the realization that you are dreaming because nothing weird is actually happening to you.
You could just as easily be watching a movie.
This is a major reason why the vast majority of lucid dreams happen in first person. The dreamer is more likely to become lucid in a first person dream because they notice weirdness in an environment and scenario in which they are engaged.
If they were to become lucid in a third person dream then as they became conscious in the dream they would remain in third person point of view, but as I have explained this is less likely to happen.
If you want to know more about lucid dreaming in third person and why it can be very advantageous to do this sometimes read the article can you lucid dream in third person.
Dreaming in first person is completely normal
Do you find that most of your dreams are in first person dreams … are you wondering if it is strange to dream like this or is dreaming in first person normal?
It is totally normal to dream in first person.
This is the most common dream perspective.
We interact with the world from a first person point of view so it is natural to maintain this point of view when we dream.
So, as we always have a first person point of view when awake it makes sense to have the same point of view when we dream. It is completely normal.
However, although it is less common, it is equally normal to dream in third person as our dreams are not restricted to the normal laws of physics.
Although it is possible, and normal, to dream in third person most of the dreams that we have are experienced from a first person point of view.
It is perfectly natural, and logical, that we should experience our dreams via our 5 senses in the same way we experience life i.e. interacting with the dreamworld and characters in it from a first person point of view.
Why do we have first person dreams like this?
Well, during the day we see, taste, hear, smell and touch from a first person point of view. Our five senses are our window to the world.
So, it is normal for us to experience our dreams in the same way because we identify the world and our place in it via those five senses.
Because we interact with the waking world from a first person point of view it is normal for us to interact with the dreamworld in the same way.
It’s all about personal identity!
We feel our own sense of identify, in a physical way, by looking through our own eyes, feeling with our own hands and hearing with our own ears etc.
So by experiencing a dream in first person we hold on to our own sense of identity even in the weirdest of dreams and strangest of environments.
The benefits to lucid dreaming in first person
Lucid dreaming in first person has a host of benefits.
When we lucid dream from a first person point of view we can train ourselves to do a multitude of things.
For example you can use your lucid dreams to practice skills in order to improve them in the waking world. This has been shown to be as effective, or even effective, than visualization and has been shown to be as equally effective as real life physical practice in the real world.
By practicing skills in the dreamworld you automatically improve them in the waking world.
How cool is that?!
Additionally, lucid dreaming is a very effective tool for study.
By studying in first person within a lucid dream you can train your brain for better recall. You can also gain a deeper understanding of educational information (especially when you call on lucid dream tutors to help you).
![First person perspective](https://www.awaken2luciddreams.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/First-person-perspective.jpg)
The only stipulation for using this is that you must have first familiarized yourself with the topic. You do this by either reading text associated with the topic, listening to a lecture or watching a video, before reviewing it in a lucid dream.
You can’t magic up information in a lucid dream but you can recall information that you have already been exposed to and use it in your first person dreams or third person dreams.
There is also growing evidence to suggest that lucid dreaming can make you smarter.
This is always done by dreaming from a first person viewpoint due to the type of brain activity going on prior to, and during, a lucid dream.
And, of course, lets’ not forget the most common and popular use for lucid dreaming – fantasy fulfillment.
Living out your fantasies would be no fun if you did it from a third person point of view.
In fact, if you were lucid dreaming in third person you wouldn’t even be experiencing them just witnessing someone else doing it.
Therefore first person dreams are required if you want to enjoy the dream experience.
Fantasy fulfilment is one major benefit of lucid dreaming in first person.
By lucid dreaming in first person you get to enjoy everything that you could never get to enjoy in the waking world without limitation or judgement (unless you want do things that you consider a sin).
First person lucid dreaming dreaming examples (video)
The best way to learn how to lucid dream and how to gain ultimate control over your lucid first person dreams is to join a community of experienced lucid dreamers.
This community also has advanced lucidity trainings associated with it that you get when you join the community.
To see what lucid dreaming in first person feels like watch the video below.